Spot anyone you know among our harvest festival photos?Spot anyone you know among our harvest festival photos?
Spot anyone you know among our harvest festival photos?

Derbyshire children light up harvest festivals in these 10 retro photos

Harvest festivals are an important way for children to learn where their food comes from and how their donations can make a difference to others less fortunate than them.

The celebration is believed to have stemmed from pagan times when most people grew their own food.

Farmers offered up thanks for a good harvest during a full moon nearest to the autumn equinox.

Church services and prayers were introduced into harvest festivals during the Victorian times.

Nowadays people are encouraged to donate food to be distributed to the elderly or needy in their community.

We take a look back at harvest festivals in Derbyshire down the years.

Church services and prayers were introduced into harvest festivals during the Victorian times.

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