We have compiled a list of the 35 most popular surnames across Derbyshire, so you can see how many other people bearing your family name are spread across the county.
As well as this, we have provided details of the hidden meanings behind each surname – with some of these historical names descending from the Normans, Hebrews and Germanic tribes, among others.
All data relating to the popularity of surnames across Derbyshire was taken from Forebears, and information on the meaning of each surname was taken from Ancestry.
1. Popular surnames
These are Derbyshire’s most common surnames - where does your last name feature in this list? Photo: Derbyshire Times
2. Smith
Smith is the most common surname in Derbyshire, with 15,357 people called Smith across the county - and it is also the most popular across England. According to Ancestry.com, Smith originates across England and Scotland as an occupational name, denoting a worker in metal - such as a blacksmith or farrier. Pictured here is one of the many Smiths to represent Chesterfield - Martin Smith. Photo: jason chadwick
3. Taylor
Taylor is Derbyshire’s second most popular surname, held by 7,093 residents. Across England, Scotland and Ireland, Taylor is an occupational name for a tailor, deriving from from Anglo-Norman French Middle English word ‘taillour’. Pictured here at the Great British Food Festival at Hardwick Hall are Jayne Taylor and Victoria Shinwell. Photo: Brian Eyre
4. Brown
Brown is Derbyshire’s third most popular name - 6,201 people with this name live in the county. Brown is generally a nickname referring to the colour of the hair or complexion, deriving from the Middle English br(o)un, Old English brūn or Old French brun. Pictured here is Dawn Brown, of Dog Land Ltd - Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care. Photo: Marie Caley