And with Wetherspoon pubs being one of the most popular chains in England, we have taken a look at what hygiene ratings they have achieved.
Hygiene requirements are all set out in law, and the Food Standards Agency operates a rating scheme in partnership with local authorities that carry out inspections of premises.
The score sheet runs from zero – meaning ‘urgent improvement is required’ – to five, denoting a place where hygiene standards are ‘very good’.
Ratings are a snapshot of the standards of food hygiene found at the time of inspection. The criteria include handling of food; how food is stored and prepared; cleanliness of facilities and how food safety is managed.
Take a look at what rating these pubs have before you nip down to your local Wetherspoon.
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. Take a look at what rating these pubs have before you nip down to your local Wetherspoons
Take a look at what rating these pubs have before you nip down to your local Wetherspoon. (Photo by Anthony Devlin/Getty Images) Photo: Anthony Devlin

1. The Spa Lane Vaults, Spa Lane, Chesterfield
Given a rating of five in November last year. Photo: Anne Shelley

2. The Pillar of Rock, Castle Street, Bolsover
Given a rating of five in January this year. Photo: Google Maps

3. Waggon and Horses, King Street, Alfreton
Given a rating of five in January last year. Photo: Google Maps

4. Portland Hotel, West Bars, Chesterfield
Given a rating of five in July 2019. Photo: Marisa Cashill