Chesterfield have average crowds of 8,091 this season.Chesterfield have average crowds of 8,091 this season.
Chesterfield have average crowds of 8,091 this season.

How a combined League Two/National League table would look based on average crowds and where Chesterfield, Oldham Athletic, Southend United and York City rank - picture gallery

The lines between League Two and the National League become increasingly blurred as each season goes by.

Half of the National League is now made up of former Football League club’s with the National League clubs promoted in recent seasons giving a good account of themselves.

They have also brought big crowds to League Two - a trend which Chesterfield will be hoping to continue next season.

Spireites have been watched by an average gate of over 8,000 this season. But how does that compare with clubs in League Two?

Here we have the answers, courtesy of the website.

You can get all the latest Spireites news, here.

Spireites have been watched by an average gate of over 8,000 this season. But how does that compare with clubs in League Two?