Thinking of selling your home this winter? Don’t miss these #6 top tips to help you sell!
The property market, much like the UK, has been battered by a few storms over the past 12 months, but the latest Nationwide survey shows it has weathered these pretty well. Latest figures suggest prices are rising at their fastest rate for two years.
So, is winter a good time to sell? We asked property expert Chris Hodgkinson, Managing Director of House Buyer Bureau to share his top tips.
Chris says, “Ordinarily the market goes very quiet in December and January, but with Stamp Duty changes coming in March 2025 it will encourage switched-on buyers to buy now to avoid paying thousands in extra costs. say on average it takes 107 days to sell a property in Derbyshire so they’ll need to get their skates on to complete before the end of March! There may be fewer buyers in the market, but they will be more motivated. Follow these tips to get your property sold.”
#Pro tip 1: Let there be light.
Most viewings will take place when it is dark, so invest in some solar lights for the back garden and get an exterior light fitted out front for about £100. Leave the lights on and curtains open. It will make the house feel welcoming and makes a great first impression to prospective buyers.
#Pro tip 2: Focus on warmth.
Turn the cold weather to your advantage. Prospective buyers will be put off by a cold house so make sure the heating is on in every room. Think about lighting some candles and a fire to make your home feel warm and welcoming.
#Pro tip 3: Stay on top of maintenance and cleaning.
Stay on top of maintenance)Keeping your house neat and tidy for viewings can be a pain, but in winter it can be even more of a challenge with winter dirt getting brought in – so it is especially important to keep floors and carpets clean. Don’t neglect household maintenance. Make sure gutters are clear so water doesn’t pool. Keep paths clear and salted if it is icy. Keep your windows clean as low light can be unforgiving!
#Pro tip 4: Be pro-active with your agent.
You must make sure your agent is working hard for you. Don’t assume things will just happen. Chase them for feedback on every viewing. If you aren’t getting several viewings a week then consider changing your asking price or changing your agent. Once you’ve agreed the sale the hard work really starts as there is plenty that can, and sadly does, go wrong. Your buyer might struggle to get funding. Their solicitor may be slow to respond. You could get stuck in a property chain.
Selling a house can become a stressful, slow slog. Make sure your agent is doing everything to keep the sale progressing. Don’t be scared to contact them and ask for regular updates.
#Pro tip 5: Set the right asking price and be prepared to negotiate.
When thinking about your asking price you need to know how competitive your local market is. It is easy to check. You can use the valuation tools on the portals to get an idea of value, but bear in mind these tend to overestimate so it is always best to get several estate agents opinions as well. Rather than ask them for the highest price your property could sell for, ask them what price will generate the most interest in your property.
To find out how competitive your local market is, go to Rightmove and set your filters to search your local area for properties like yours. Make a note of how many results come back, and then change the filter to so it includes all the properties that are Sale Agreed or Under Offer. Add the numbers together and then work out the percentage that are already sold. If it is more than 60% then you live in a “sellers” market that is highly competitive. If it is less than 40% then it is a “buyers” market where it might be harder to find a buyer or you might need to be ready to negotiate on price.
#Pro tip 6: Be open to alternative ways to sell.
If you’ve been trying to sell for more than 3 months, or if you’re in a hurry to sell, then why not get a cash offer from a property buying company. It isn’t the right route for everyone, but companies like House Buyer Bureau will buy your property for cash. They offer a guaranteed sale that can be completed in whatever timescale you need. They will buy at a discount – offering about 80% of market value – but it does guarantee you a sale and will let you plan your next move with confidence.
Chris says “Make sure you do your own research before committing to anything as there are some companies who only pretend to be property buyers. You should never be pressured into selling and should always ask for a ‘proof of funds’ to make sure the company has the cash to buy your property. If you’re ever in doubt, then don’t proceed with the sale.”