School’s outdoor learning programme

Staff and pupils at Matlock Bath Holy Trinity Primary School are very proud of their outdoor learning. This usually takes place on a Friday when children come to school in warm clothes and wellies.
Matlock Bath Holy Trinity Primary School visit Shining CliffMatlock Bath Holy Trinity Primary School visit Shining Cliff
Matlock Bath Holy Trinity Primary School visit Shining Cliff

Linked with the school’s outdoor learning, the children have the opportunity to attend various residential sites while attending Matlock Bath Holy Trinity. These residentials are not just reserved for year five and six children, every year the school’s year two and three children are taken to Shining Cliff to prepare for life in the KS2 class. Children learn skills such as leadership and teamwork through activities such as gorge walking, hiking and abseiling.

The school is very proud of its sports programme. Pupils have the choice of at least three sporting after school clubs and an extensive PE curriculum that involves sports such as football, rugby and hockey. The school participates in the Bunting Cup and the Small Schools Football League. Visiting and hosting sporting events is also a key part of sport in Holy Trinity.

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Every Christmas Ms Mee directs a KS2 play which is held in the church for parents to view. The last play was a James Bond spoof with Jane Blonde as the title character. The play was well received by parents and the children really enjoyed performing.Throughout the year the school has several themed weeks where children will participate in activities that can’t be provided on a daily basis. Over the last year, the children have taken part in RE around the World and Health. The most popular themed week was the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics) week which will be happening again this year. Last time, the children got to build Knex buggies and water propelled rockets.

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