SCARLET FEVER: The symptoms to look out for

A rash is one of the symptoms of Scarlet FeverA rash is one of the symptoms of Scarlet Fever
A rash is one of the symptoms of Scarlet Fever
A health warning has been issued after a large increases in the number of cases of Scarlet Fever in Derbyshire.

Here are the symptoms to look out for...


Sore throat





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White coating of the tongue, which peels to leave the tongue looking red and swollen

Swollen glands in the neck

Feeling tired and generally unwell

Flushed red face but pale around the mouth

Peeling skin on the fingertips, toes and groin area as the rash fades

Parents who think their child has scarlet fever should:

• See their GP as soon as possible

• Make sure their child takes the full course of any antibiotics prescribed by the GP

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• Keep their child at home, away from nursery or school for at least 24 hours after starting the antibiotic treatment if the illness is confirmed

Parents can also get free advice about scarlet fever from the NHS 111 telephone healthcare service or find more information from NHS Choices at