Darcie Mae Stanhope, 9, won the junior scarecrow competition and is pictured with her handiwork.Darcie Mae Stanhope, 9, won the junior scarecrow competition and is pictured with her handiwork.
Darcie Mae Stanhope, 9, won the junior scarecrow competition and is pictured with her handiwork.

Scarecrow competition makes an entrance at Derbyshire village's annual allotments open day

A scarecrow competition made its debut at an annual open day at allotments in Grassmoor.

Children and adults enjoyed putting their creative skills to the test for the challenge.

Prizes were presented to the best allotment holder and runner-up, the winners of a vegetable and flower show and a cake-baking competition.

All the vegetables from the show at Mill Lane allotments were on sale.

Tea, coffee, soft drinks and samples of the cakes were served from the Gardeners Rest meeting room and barbecue food was available.

Allotment-holders have expressed thanks for funding and prize contributions from the parish council, Derbyshire County Council, Rykneld Homes and Grassland Hasmoor Big Local.

All the vegetables from the show at Mill Lane allotments were on sale.