Have you got a spook-tacular photo of your little terror dressed up for Halloween?Have you got a spook-tacular photo of your little terror dressed up for Halloween?
Have you got a spook-tacular photo of your little terror dressed up for Halloween?

Photos show how angelic children in Derbyshire are bewitched by the spell of Halloween fancy dress to become little terrors!

Little and large guys and ghouls in Derbyshire love dressing up for Halloween as these spook-tacular snaps show.

Garish make-up and spellbinding costumes trick parents into believing their angelic offspring have turned into little devils and what a treat it is for kids to watch their reaction to the ghostly guises.

Grown-ups love venturing to the dark side too by becoming witches for the night, some even roping in their four-legged friends!

Decorating the family home isn’t just for Christmas…. Halloween offers the perfect opportunity to make your lair a haunted house!

Decorating the family home isn’t just for Christmas…. Halloween offers the perfect opportunity to make your lair a haunted house!

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