Campaigners represent Derbyshire at COP26

Frank Adlington-Stringer (Wingerworth Parish Councillor) and Emily Main spent the day at the climate protests in Glasgow.
Frank Adlington-Stringer (Wingerworth Parish Councillor) and Emily Main both of Derbyshire Green PartyFrank Adlington-Stringer (Wingerworth Parish Councillor) and Emily Main both of Derbyshire Green Party
Frank Adlington-Stringer (Wingerworth Parish Councillor) and Emily Main both of Derbyshire Green Party

Frank and Emily represented Derbyshire Green Party at the COP26 global talks with Emily is dressed for a funeral to ‘mourn the loss of our future and planet’.Frank said: "We want climate justice and we are hoping that these talks are a success. I will continue to do all I can for the people of Wingerworth and Derbyshire but we need real action from those with power. This is our last chance."