These are some of the latest incidents on Derbyshire’s roads.These are some of the latest incidents on Derbyshire’s roads.
These are some of the latest incidents on Derbyshire’s roads.

Horror crashes, drugged-up drivers and stolen vehicles – the latest incidents on Derbyshire’s roads

Derbyshire’s police and fire crews have attended a number of serious incidents on the county’s roads in recent weeks.

The last few weeks have been busy for the emergency services working to keep Derbyshire’s roads safe – dealing with everything from drink and drug drivers to a series of horror collisions.

These are just some of the latest incidents dealt with by the Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service.

These are just some of the latest incidents dealt with by the Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service.