From Spaniels and Alsations to hounds of unknown heritage, we’ve received literally hundreds of pictures of pets of all shapes and sizes to mark International Dog Day which took place this months
The occasion was created in 2004 by pet lifestyle expert and author Colleen Paige to bring awareness to the condition of animals as well as encourage adoption.
It aims to help people take better care of their pets and make more responsible choices when it comes to getting or looking after a dog.
. International Dog Day
Chesterfield folk share their pooch snaps Photo: Submitted by readers
. Seth
Springer Spaniel Seth, from Walton Photo: Phil Bramley
. Bailey and Poppy
Romanian rescue pooch Bailey with best pal Poppy, sent in by Sharon Jones Photo: Sharon Jones
. Indie
"if it’s not pinned down it’s not safe!", says proud owner Nina Jane Cartwright Photo: Nina Jane Cartwright
. Ozzy
Aged 18 months Photo: Lisa Hale
. Louis
Seen here "loving life in beautiful Yorkshire" is Louis, sent in by Louis Photo: Jane Bingham
1. Seth
Springer Spaniel Seth, from Walton Photo: Phil Bramley
2. Bailey and Poppy
Romanian rescue pooch Bailey with best pal Poppy, sent in by Sharon Jones Photo: Sharon Jones
3. Indie
"if it’s not pinned down it’s not safe!", says proud owner Nina Jane Cartwright Photo: Nina Jane Cartwright
4. Ozzy
Aged 18 months Photo: Lisa Hale