These are some of the best-reviewed play centres in the area.These are some of the best-reviewed play centres in the area.
These are some of the best-reviewed play centres in the area.

10 of the best children's indoor play centres in Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire

These are some of the best indoor soft play and play centres in Chesterfield and around North East Derbyshire – according to Google reviews.

With the weather turning colder and wetter, finding an indoor play area for the kids becomes an essential part of the daily routine.

Luckily here in Chesterfield and around North East Derbyshire we have an excellent selection of soft play and indoor play centres to choose from.

Here are some of the best spots in the area to keep your kids entertained, based on Google reviews.

The figures were taken from Google on Friday, December 9 – and they are not ranked in any particular order.

Here are some of the best spots in the area to keep your kids entertained, based on Google reviews.