New Square in Chesterfield town centre, seen here during a snow storm in 1987.New Square in Chesterfield town centre, seen here during a snow storm in 1987.
New Square in Chesterfield town centre, seen here during a snow storm in 1987.

Remarkable photos of Chesterfield covered in snow down the years – from the 1980s to the current cold spell

These photos look back at some of Chesterfield’s most freezing spells of weather – when the town was blanketed with snow on a number of occasions.

Wintry conditions have certainly arrived in Chesterfield over the past few days – with the start of December accompanied by snow, ice and freezing temperatures.

These 13 photos show some of the worst weather to have hit Chesterfield over the last 40 years – what was the coldest winter you can remember?

These 13 photos show some of the worst weather to have hit Chesterfield over the last 40 years – what was the coldest winter you can remember?

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