Jacob Walker, Amelia Mills and Chloe James in health workers' fancy dress at Newbold School in 2007.Jacob Walker, Amelia Mills and Chloe James in health workers' fancy dress at Newbold School in 2007.
Jacob Walker, Amelia Mills and Chloe James in health workers' fancy dress at Newbold School in 2007.

Chesterfield schools: Fun-packed days for pupils in photos from yesteryear

School days are the happiest days of your life is a saying that Derbyshire youngsters may dispute when they are up to their eyes in exam revision or heaps of homework.

While learning maths, sciences and languages are essential to get a foothold in the competitive jobs market, it’s easy to forget that time at school can also be fun.

The smiles in these photos from our archives show the happy side of a day at school.

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