15 Derbyshire schools recently rated by Ofsted15 Derbyshire schools recently rated by Ofsted
15 Derbyshire schools recently rated by Ofsted

15 schools in Derbyshire that have been inspected by Ofsted in 2022

We have taken a look at 15 Derbyshire schools which have been inspected by Ofsted this year.

The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills is responsible for inspecting schools and other educational facilities in England.

All schools are inspected on a number of factors including quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, leadership, development and more.

At the end of an inspection, each school is given a rating of either outstanding, good, requires improvement, and inadeqate – outstanding being the best rating a school can receive.

Below is a list of Derbyshire school recently inspected by Ofsted.

At the end of an inspection, each school is given a rating of either outstanding, good, requires improvement, and inadeqate – outstanding being the best rating a school can receive.