A clutter of character, inside and out.A clutter of character, inside and out.
A clutter of character, inside and out.

Meet the traders: Chesterfield Market Hall

Smack-bang in the middle of town is a stand-out building that is very probably taken for granted.

It’s like that long-term husband or wife you see every day of your life, and then, as the sun shines through the kitchen window and a joke is passed about the burnt toast, you remember how lovely their smile is.

Chesterfield Market Hall is that smile. The hubbub echo of chat and laugh from the cafe that spines the middle. The humorous ribbing between the traders around the sides.

There’s wool shop Jason sat knitting, Linda at the sweet shop trying not to eat the raspberry ruffles, and forever Chezzy lass Betty at the vac shop sorting the Eurovision sweepstake. There’s fabric shop brothers Ben and Jack a belly laugh of agreeing to disagree, food shop Donna no mess as she tells you her teacakes are the best, bookshop Ed a flat-cap glow of folk he calls ‘Old Chesterfield’.

Here is the heart of this place, a value of Chesterfield community. And it’s here, right now.

There’s wool shop Jason sat knitting, Linda at the sweet shop trying not to eat the raspberry ruffles, and forever Chezzy lass Betty at the vac shop sorting the Eurovision sweepstake. There’s fabric shop brothers Ben and Jack a belly laugh of agreeing to disagree, food shop Donna no mess as she tells you her teacakes are the best, bookshop Ed a flat-cap glow of folk he calls ‘Old Chesterfield’.

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