Here are 11 Chesterfield area businesses still operating during the lockdown - and how you can support them.Here are 11 Chesterfield area businesses still operating during the lockdown - and how you can support them.
Here are 11 Chesterfield area businesses still operating during the lockdown - and how you can support them.

Special delivery: Here are 12 Chesterfield businesses you can still support during the lockdown

Forget the national online shopping outlets - these Chesterfield area businesses are still delivering or open to customers during the lockdown.

High streets across the UK have been left eerily quiet during the Covid-19 lockdown. But just because the shops aren't open, it doesn't mean the businesses can't be supported.

Here are just a handful of businesses in Chesterfield which are offering contact-free delivery or open with social distancing measures in place.

Take a look for some inspiration if you feel like treating yourself to something different – and support a local business while you're at it.

Take a look for some inspiration if you feel like treating yourself to something different – and support a local business while you're at it.

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