LETTER: Valid arguments for and against assisted dying

According to your poll result, many have tremendous sympathy with Alva de Chiros' campaign for assisted dying to be legalised.

Many of those whose comments were published have obviously seen their loved ones die in great pain and understandably support her call for euthanasia to become legal.

Back in September 2014, my sister and I were called to Ashgate Hospice for what proved to be the last 12 hours of our mother’s life. She was suffering from kidney cancer but passed away peacefully due to the palliative care given to her by the hospice staff. I hope that people will think twice before allowing themselves to be carried away by highly emotive testimonies of suffering and supporting the call for euthanasia to be made legal. There are equally great arguments against it and great dangers involved if it becomes law.

Mr P. Mulcaster

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