LETTER: Attacked by goose on the loose

I've been attacked and chased a couple of times by the goose on Boiley Lane. Usually while walking the dog and when running. I've seen a number of other people chased as well.
Who me, 'Evil'? I'm just misunderstood!Who me, 'Evil'? I'm just misunderstood!
Who me, 'Evil'? I'm just misunderstood!

I’m confused by those that see it as just ‘guarding the road’ or being ‘lonely’ because I’m sure if it bites or attacks a child it would be a serious matter. If this was a dog that acted in this manor it would have been dealt with by now, and remember this is happening on a public road and not private property, surely the owners should take more control of Freddie.

Rob Onion

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