LETTER: Fracking supplement did little to allay my fears and some suspicions

I welcomed the provision of some clarity on the issue of fracking.

The supplement in last week’s Derbyshire Times was, however, deficient in my view in providing data on the financial vicissitudes of the industry. The complex geology of the UK, coupled with a high population density, compared to discovered, developing or developed huge shale belts in sparsely populated areas of the Americas, central Asia and elsewhere, guarantees our position as a high cost producer. 
All evidence points to cycles of overproduction and under utilised capacity in the industry. Dearest in, first out?

The stated fact that the UK Government has the most stringent safeguards on operations is open to question, for an industry new to the UK.

I’m afraid that the supplement did little to allay my fears and some suspicions of deeper political and economic motivations.

Roger Pendleton

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