The cheapest fuel prices in Chesterfield

Fuel pricesFuel prices
Fuel prices
Are you heading out and about during half-term and need to fill up with fuel?

If so, here’s where you can find the cheapest petrol and diesel in the Chesterfield area.


Tesco Chesterfield Extra 99.9p

Morrisons Chesterfield 99.9p

Sainsburys Chesterfield 99.9p

Brimington Service Station, High Street 99.9p

Tesco Clay Cross Extra 99.9p


Morrisons Chesterfield 97.7p

Tesco Chesterfield Extra 98.9p

Sainsburys Chesterfield 98.9p

Tesco Clay Cross Extra 98.9p

Spar, Matlock Road, Chesterfield 99.9p