Girl, 14, punched on her way home from school

Police are appealing for witnesses after a 14-year-old girl was punched on her way home from school.

The incident happened at about 3.40pm on Tuesday, May 17 on Westwood Lane in Brimington.

A blue three-door car, containing three youths, pulled up at the kerb and the driver and front seat passenger got out. The driver punched her and the passenger pushed her over in what appeared to be an unprovoked assault. They got back into the car and drove off along Brook Drive.

The girl sustained minor injuries.

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The driver is described as being white with pale skin. He was in his late teens, six feet tall and of slim build. He had messy brown hair and was wearing a dark waterproof coat and Adidas trainers.

The passenger is described as white, in his late teens, shorter than the driver and of slim build. He had mousey brown hair, stubble and was wearing a black jumper, black jeans and black Adidas trainers.

Anyone with information should contact PC 14157 Pete Robinson on 101, quoting crime number 21600/16 or send him a message online by visiting the ‘Contact Us’ section of the Derbyshire police website.

People can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online

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